Thursday, July 27, 2023 Sunny Still Hot 1 Cloud 89 Degrees 4:47 p.m.
Another beautiful warm summer day. We might get over 90 degrees here in Oak Ridge, but so far we haven’t made it to 90 yet. In Knoxville it is 91 I believe they said. Yes, it is summertime.
A busy day with the normal housework, feeding the hummingbirds and other birds, and cat. All are fed and birds are busy eating. I must say, they all should be fat as little pigs, but they aren’t.
We are going grocery shopping tonight as the weekend will be busy with parents and kids preparing for school. Tennessee has a great program, This weekend they will have a tax free for parents buying school supplies. That save quite a lot. Then they have a tax free on groceries for a three month period, I believe. That is a major help, especially for large families. And my neighbor who has a teenage boy who eats a lot.
Quote of the day: “Here are some other signs that you are living somewhere between estrogen and death; 1. When you do the hokey Pokey you put your left hip out and it stays there. 2. You run out of breath walking down a flight of stairs. 3. Classmates at your reunion think you’re one of their former teachers.” My Calendar
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a enjoyable, pleasant, relaxing, cool and fun day.