Friday, August 18, 2023 Sunny Still warm 84 Degrees 5:06 p.m.

A lovely day today. No clouds, very little wind, all quiet and nice. I have enjoyed this weather. Tomorrow is supposed start the how weather with the high being 90. Then it goes up for the next two or three days. With that heat comes the humidity so am not really looking forward to it.

Today I cleaned the TV room and the sewing room. We have a gentleman coming over to measure both rooms and see what it will cost to get the carpet and pergola floors replaced. The carpet is just plane nasty and gets worse by the day. It will be nice to see what the cost will be for that.

We have no plans for the weekend other then to do some things around the house. And I hope to read my book. It is so good. I have some more pictures to go through and want to work on an album. That should take care of the weekend.

Quote of the day: ” In good times and bad, music has always been a part of my life flowing through the laughter as well as the trials. To m, it is a gift from God—a bit of heaven He loans to us while we live on earth to help us survive the hard times, to celebrate the good times, and especially to praise Him in a way no other method can match.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Friday and a super fantastic, enjoyable, relaxing and fun weekend.



Thursday, August 17, 2023 Mostly sunny Windy Warm Beautiful 79 Degrees 4:42 p.m.

It has been a quiet day around here. A bit warmer then yesterday according to the news but as far as I can tell it has been about the same. The birds aren’t as plentiful now so I am thinking fall must be on its way. The hummingbirds are still eating well but the other birds are not coming around as much. The red headed woodpecker is still here and comes to dine several times a day, and the wrens and sparrows, but I haven’t seen the rest of the birds in a few days. Not since the last major thunderstorm. I guess the storm scared them all away. I do hear the katydids at night so they are still here and doing well. The yellow jackets are now alive and well around here.

Tina is bringing dinner home this evening so that is a huge help as far as I’m concerned. We are having Dairy Queen’s chicken tender baskets. They are pretty good and filling and checks off all the squares. I haven’t felt the best today, probably because 1. I started a new med from the doctor, and 2, I stayed up late reading last night. The book is so good. The characters are in the middle of an ice storm, trying to chip off ice from their jeep to go rescue a mom and he small son from the storage container that they are living in. The power is off and it is below zero. I finally put the book down and turned off the light as I couldn’t see through blurry eyes.

Quote of the day: ” She/He who laughs last thinks the slowest.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a educational, cheering, enthusiastic, winning, and fun day. (I believe there is a football game on this evening.)



Wednesday, August 16, 2023 Partly Sunny Warm Still Beautiful 81 Degrees 4:01 pm

It sure is a nice day. The humidity is way down so being outside is a treat. Today I walked around the building with Julie and three dogs. It was nice just being outdoors. The dogs, Rocko and Zion plus one of the neighbors in the next building was out with his dog and nephew. He kept the nephew but the dog decided to go with us. Her name is Fancy and she is a French bull dog. He had her sole but the person brought her back because she wouldn’t mind and would run off when they were out walking. My thought was a color and a leash. anyhow she came along with us and all was well until she spotted a squirrel. Of she goes after the squirrel, across the street and she trees the squirrel. She stay there barking at the poor animal and, I am sure, wishing she could climb that tree. The people who live in the building next to ours came up the street, stopped, called her and she climbed in the car. I was so glad as I just knew she would run out in front of a car and get hit. She is a pretty little thing, 8 months old, needing proper training. She is a dark gray in color.

I am going to try and walk around the building every day, weather permitting. I might try walking farther as I get use to the uneven terrain around here. The sidewalks are popping up here and there so have to be very careful not to trip. The grass is also uneven but I do feel a bit safer on it at some points. I watch other people walking and they are pretty careful where they step until they get out in the road. No sidewalks along the road.

This afternoon Pamela came over to visit and play games. It was fun. We played Yahtzee, two games. She won one and I won one. Two fun games and a good visit. I hope we get to do that again soon.

Quote of the day: “Amazing! If you hang something in a closet for awhile it shrinks two sizes!” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a super productive, positive, enjoyable and fun day.



Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Mostly Sunny Breezy Less Humid 81 Degrees 5:36 p.m.

A beautiful day after a stormy night. We had thunderstorms on and off all night. Thunder isn’t quiet. The weather lady said that today the humidity would go way down and it would be a mostly sunny day. so far she is correct. It has been a scrumptious day.

Today the laundry got done and a bit of housework was accomplished. I even got to work on the pictures some. It is fun looking back and remembering all the different events and places and people. But putting them in order of events, places, times and who is who is a bit challenging. However, if I am lucky I will get it all together and into a book one day before I am 500 years old. Who knows.

Word has it that it will be at least six months before the apartments that the tornado hit last week will be ready for occupancy. Those poor people are left homeless and probably wondering if they should get a new apartment someplace or stay in the motels or with family or friends. Not all have been let back in to get their belongings, or what remains of them. Of course they are much better off then the people in Hawaii. My heart goes out to them as they have nothing to go back to but ashes.

Quote of the day: “This bumper sticker was punctuated with a bold cross; No matter which direction I’m heading, I’m homeward bound!” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, fascinating, interesting and fun day.
