Friday, August 18, 2023 Sunny Still warm 84 Degrees 5:06 p.m.
A lovely day today. No clouds, very little wind, all quiet and nice. I have enjoyed this weather. Tomorrow is supposed start the how weather with the high being 90. Then it goes up for the next two or three days. With that heat comes the humidity so am not really looking forward to it.
Today I cleaned the TV room and the sewing room. We have a gentleman coming over to measure both rooms and see what it will cost to get the carpet and pergola floors replaced. The carpet is just plane nasty and gets worse by the day. It will be nice to see what the cost will be for that.
We have no plans for the weekend other then to do some things around the house. And I hope to read my book. It is so good. I have some more pictures to go through and want to work on an album. That should take care of the weekend.
Quote of the day: ” In good times and bad, music has always been a part of my life flowing through the laughter as well as the trials. To m, it is a gift from God—a bit of heaven He loans to us while we live on earth to help us survive the hard times, to celebrate the good times, and especially to praise Him in a way no other method can match.” My calendar.
Have a great rest of your Friday and a super fantastic, enjoyable, relaxing and fun weekend.