Thursday, September 28, 2023 Mostly Cloudy Warm Breezy 73 Degrees 4:37 p.m.

We got rain yesterday. It came with Thunder and Lightening. We did not loose power, for which I am sure everyone is thankful. There is a chance we could get a shower this evening so will have to wait and see.

Today has been busy but quiet. I finished cleaning the downstairs. I do enjoy my Shark Steam cleaner-mop. it makes life so much easier. If I go over the floors every other day the steam cleaner works wonders. I hadn’t done more then run the vacuum for a week so did mop them and then steam cleaned them. Our floors are clean.

Dallas came through her surgery just fine and today was ready to play. I believe Tammy and Jerry are going to have their hands full with that recuperating puppy. She feels fine and wants to play but has to do some healing first. Tell that to a Great Piernese puppy! I have a feeling the other three dogs can’t understand why she can’t “come out and play” either.

Quote of the day: “People don’t care how much you know. They just need to know you care.” My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a caring, friendly, enjoyable and fun day.
