Monday, January 29, 2024 Cloudy, Cold, Damp, 46 Degrees 4:17 p.m.

Winter is still here. It is cold, and damp. However, it is winter and we should have this type of weather. We had to go shopping yesterday afternoon. It reminded me of shopping in Reno when I was a kid, in winter. The wind was freezing cold.

Friday evening, Mark and his co-worker came and installed the new flooring. It is so pretty. He will be back tomorrow to put in the shoe molding. He has a couple of other things he has to complete, and then it will be done. Dillon has to come back Saturday or Sunday to straighten a wall and finish installing the book shelves.. After that is completed we can move back in those rooms and hopefully, get back to normal.

Sierra is so please that the floor is in and the recliners are back there, and the TV. She can, once again, enjoy her evenings in either Tina’s or my lap. She has walked over every inch of the floor, then rolled on it and stretched out, taken a nap and is just happy to have the room back. She thinks it is one of her rooms.

Now, since things are still not in place, nor even close, I have to finish the project in the living room. I am looking for something to put behind the sectional so that we can walk behind it to open and close the blinds. I think I have a table upstairs that will work. Not to big, but I hope will be just the right size to give us room to walk behind and take care of the blinds.

Quote of the day: “We live in the present, we dream of the future, but we learn eternal truths from the past.” Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1874 – 1942, Canadian Writer

I hope you had a great weekend. Make your Monday a adventurous, productive, pleasant, and fun day.
