Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Cloudy Cold Damp 45 Degrees 5:01 p.m.

Today is Hump Day. It is the 31st day of the New Year, leaving 335 day to do all the things we want to do, plan to do, and have to do. This gives us plenty of time to do our Christmas shopping, plan our vacations, take weekend site seeing trips, make crafts for holidays, gifts and/or home needs. We’ll all have time to take classes in what ever subject interests us, and even find time to take naps, read book,s watch our favorite TV shows, take in movies, and do what ever else that is unplanned and unexpected.

Here, we are still at least 5 days out from having the TV room, back bathroom and craft room completed. I am thinking the month of February will be getting those rooms back together. Since I am the one who packed up most everything, put it all away so it wouldn’t get lost or broken, and made room for everything, I will most likely be the one who has to go treasure hunting and find everything. Maybe I should have a Treasure Hunting Party and invite others to fine everything. Of course, if I did that I would have to know what treasurers they were hunting. Both Tina and I will have to play that game, Keep, Give, Sell, Toss. I doubt the sell category would hold many items. Maybe I should add shred to that list.

February is promising to be a busy month. So far there are three birthdays and one anniversary, all family members. Tina and I each have a doctor’s appointment that I know of so far. I have two to reschedule due to bad weather. I am not sure what else is going on in the month of February. We have Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day and Presidents Day. We shall see what the rest of the month brings.

Quote of the day: ” [Astronomical] observations…..are peculiarly adapted to women….The eye that directs a needle in the delicate meshes of embroidery will equally well bisect a star with the spider web of the micrometer.” Maria Mitchell, 1818-1889, American Astronomer, educator.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a enchanting, magical, star studded and fun day.
