MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2024

Monday, April 21, 2024 Sunny Cool Clear Breezy 63 Degrees 5:16 p.m.

Life in this household has been busy as usual. Between being not at home for two days and then the Computer being uncooperative and the operator being not a tech, I missed most of last week. I did get Monday in though. You had a vacation.

Tuesday, I went with Tina to her doctor’s appointment. It was long but interesting. She also has another doctor’s appointment but since they took a blood test at the first appointment and has the results she didn’t have to do that. That appointment was short and sweet,. Then, lunch at Out Back which was really good, or we were really hungry as breakfast was a quick bar and a cup of coffee.

We then picked up Dottie and went to COSCO and got meat and all the usual shopping that is done there. That took forever as it was mid day and half of Tennessee was there with all their small children. I assume the older ones were in school. Since it was Tuesday all the Seniors were there also. When were were in line to check our, like a million other people, there was a lady behind us, not exactly in any line, yelling for every one to move and quite just standing around. Finally a employee came and asked everyone to move i a bit closer so people could get by. Fine. No problem with that. she just pushes herself up in line and gets right in front, Not our line but the one two registers from us. She kind of squeezed another couple out of her way to get up there. The wife wanted to get in her face but her husband said to let it go as it would be much quieter when she left.

Wednesday I went in and spent the day with Dottie as it was Tammy’s birthday and we were all to have dinner when everyone was off work. We had dinner at Jerry and Tammy’s. I brought the cake and Jerry went and picked up dinner. It was Chinese food, good, and the dinner party was fun. Of course the dogs made it extra special. They were the entertainment. The dogs gave he a slice of Red Velvet Cake form “the Cake Boss”. She said she knew that the dogs loved her best.

Thursday I was home and catching up on laundry, cleaning and such. The computer didn’t like me so wouldn’t come up with what i wanted, namely Walters Legacy. Since it was a windy and messy day weather wise, I chalked it up to that. But I did tell Jerry.

Friday it was a rainy day, and windy. Again I couldn’t get on my blog. I finally gave up and decided i would wait until Jerry came over. He came Friday afternoon and fixed it. I was over my limit on something or other.

The weekend was cool but nice. Julie and I went Antique store hopping. We actually made three of them before deciding to go have lunch and head for home. We ate at The Golden Girls, and it was good, The antique shops were fun, interesting and educational. We plan to do that again one day.

Sunday was church and today is laundry and all that good stuff. Now it is dinner time.

Quote of the day: “There may be no trumpet sound or loud applause when we make a right decision, just a calm sense of resolution and peace.” Gloria Gather, 1942 … American writer, singer/songwriter

have a great rest of your Monday. I hope that you had a wonderful,safe and fun weekend.
