Friday, December 29, 2023 Cloudy Looks like SNOW Cold 41 Degrees 4:37 p.m.

This morning, when Tina called on her break, around 10:00 a.m., West Knoxville was seeing flurries. As far as I know we haven’t seen flurries or even rain. It has just been a cold, gray day with occasionally a good breeze. Maybe snow tonight, at least flurries.

The redheaded woodpecker has been here on and off all day, eating out of both bird feeders. He has two smaller friends who seem to come and dine with him. He at one feeder and they at the other. I can’t wait to get the new bird feeder up so I can tell what kind of bird and all that goes with it. Pictures and live action. I’ll have to get fancy bird feed to entice all the birds.

Today I washed all the Christmas clothes, towels, throws, etc. and have them ready to pack away until next December. I have the stuffed animals ready to be packed until then also. Still have a million things to pack and the tree to UN-decorate and take apart and put in its bag. Plus the small tree to do the same with. I am not sure that I am ready for all the undoing as I have barely had time to sit back and enjoy all the pretty decorations. No time to stop and smell the Christmas roses.

This is my last blog of 2023. It has been a busy year, an interesting year, and a productive year. We have be able to get four new windows, tow in the master bedroom and one in each of the other bedrooms. We got new screens for the four windows in the living room. And the “sewing room” repaired and painted, waiting for the new floors to come in. We have been to two stage plays, see the Christian comedian, took in a couple of movies, and took a quick trip to Kansas. While Jeff and Nanette were here we went to ‘The Mint” Casino in Williamsburg, Kentucky, the to the Amish Welcoming Center for a good lunch and where Tina bought 12 jars of Toe Jam plus two or three other kinds of jam. They truly have the best jam. And we went to Dollywood. So fun. I have completed writing two Story Worth books and am about to embark on another one. (My granddaughter is so good to me and has given me this gift so I can write about what ever subject she gives me.) I love it. All in all, a great year.

Quote of the day: “It’s no use having a good memory, unless you have something good to remember.” Ashleigh Brillant My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Friday. Make it a safe, happy, healthy, pleasurable, and fun day.

Happy New Year. Celebrate safely and I will look forward to “chatting” with you again, on Tuesday, January 2, 2023



Thursday, December 28, 2023 Partly Cloudy Slight breeze Chilly 46 Degrees 4:46 p.m.

It has been a busy day around here. I have been working on getting the TV room ready to be painted next week. That means taking everything out of there (but the furniture) and finding a temporary home for it. I almost have it all done. I have books we have read that maybe should go to either Tammy, Dottie or Sharon. Whomever would like them and hasn’t read them. I sent a notice out to each of them so we shall see who wants them. I am sure that they all came from one of these ladies but can’t remember which one came from who. They are good books.

Weather is starting ti enter a cold spell and maybe snow flurries or rain. Just in time for New Years! I know there are a lot of activities planned all over Tennessee. Knoxville will have their own dropping of the ball at midnight New Years. The Smokies, at different areas are having activities as is Pegon Ford. I am sure that is spelled wrong. Anyhow, we plan on staying home. We can watch all the celebrating on TV. We may even get snow. That would be fun,,,,,,as long as we are home.

Quote of the day: “There is nothing in your life that God and you cannot handle together…..if you get out of the way and let Him be in control. He can turn your troubles into blessings, and then He can use those blessings to add depth to your spirit so that your praise for Him is even more fervent and joyous and your life is an inspiration to others.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, productive, cheerful and fun day.



Wednesday, December 27, 2023 Sunny Mostly clear Slight breeze 54 Degrees 4:20 p.m.

I must apologist for my mistake on yesterday’s blog. Yesterday was Tuesday, not Monday. I seem to of lost Monday, since it was a holiday. No laundry to do, no Monday. It was nice.

Today is a bit chilly, and breezy. I think the cold front has arrived so trading rain, clouds and fog for sunshine, blue skies and cooler temperatures. That is fine, it is winter and cooler to cold temperatures are the norm for the season.

Today has been nice. Pamela came over, brought Pizza and we had lunch and a good visit. I hadn’t seen her for at least two weeks as she had to work over Christmas. We didn’t even play games, just had a good visit. So nice.

Then I went out back and talked to Julie for a few minutes, and petted Rocko and Zion. They are so cute and eager to be petted. Since Julie has been sick I hadn’t seen her or the pups for over a week. I hope that this means things are getting back to whatever normal is. I should be able to pet dogs at least once a day. Petting a dog a day keeps the doctor away. Or is that an apple a day. Dogs are softer and much more fun.

Tomorrow I will start packing up the stuff in the TV room. I am in hopes that by Monday, New Year’s Day, we will only have furniture in there to be moved and on January 2nd Dillon will be here and start painting that room as well as the bathroom back there. Then the 13th the new floors will be laid. I am so excited to get it all done and looking nice and feeling clean and good. Our main purpose is getting that nasty carpet out of that room. We know that under the carpet is cement as prior to being made into the 4th bedroom it was the breezeway. I believe they just laid the carpet on top of the cement. We shall see.

Quote of the day: “Have you heard the joke about what would of happened if there had been three wise women instead of wise men? They would of stopped to ask for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned up the stable, made a casserole, and brought disposable diapers and other practical gifts!: My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Enjoy the rest of your day, making it a profitable, practical, pleasant, patient and fun day.



Monday, December 26, 2023 Cloudy, Rainy, Cool, 55 Degrees, 5:32 p.m.

The day after Christmas and all through the house, The ribbons are hanging, wrappings are strewed, the bows are attached to the lamp shades while the lamps are aglow. Santa was here, leaving goodies galore, new toys for grandma and aunt Tina, too. A new litter box for Sierra, and a mouse or two. Grandma got a bird house that tells her when they are eating, while Aunt Tina received books to read so can keep on reading. Aunt Tina likes hot dogs so a cooker she got. Grandma got a Blink camera so can keep up with the cat…….and the birds…….and Aunt Tina. That’s at lot! Grandma will continue writing stories about days gone by, Tina will wonder about a story and think”about Jimmy, Joey, Jerry, Jeffy, and me? Why oh why? “Yes, Santa was here and was very good to us. Now we can’t fuss!

The weather is rainy and warmer then winter. No snow, but plenty of rain , and later the fog. It is winter and with that season comes wet weather. No complaints as the rain is needed, so very welcome. It is to be gone by here tomorrow and it will be cooler and dry until the weekend.

Quote of the day: ” I’m a child of the king…..still living in palace preparation mode.” My Calendar

Have a great Tuesday. Make it a pleasant, enjoyable, relaxing and fun day.
